Have you ever thought: Are my Facebook ads working or not? Am I spending too much money on Facebook Ads? What do my Facebook ads results mean?
In this episode of Crush Wednesday Ev our Facebook Ad’s guru explains the three key numbers you need to look out for on Facebook Ads that will answer all your problems.
Facebook Ads are not easy, you create these great ads and spend so much time on the copy and creating an image, you set your audience and your objective and then when you leave it for a few days and you come back to the results all you get is confusion! This is a very common feeling and we want to give you some simple steps to give you clarity!
Setting your objective
Before we get into the numbers, it’s important that you choose the right objective when you start your campaign because this will determine the results you get!
So ask yourself, what is your goal? Do you want to increase engagement on posts or do you want more sign-ups on your website? You need to choose the right objective because these objectives set out what kind of people your ad goes out to.
Example: Let’s say you wanted more sign-ups on your website, if you select engagement as your objective then you want people to like, share and comment on your posts so Facebook will send your ads to people who like to engage in your posts. This is useful if you want engagement, but not if you want leads because these people are not likely to click on the link and sign up for something!
With the right objective in place and your content ready you need to look at these three numbers in your Ads Manager to find out if your Facebook Ads are working:
1. 2000 Impressions
- What is the impression? Impressions are the total amount of times your ad has been seen by anyone at any time. Simply put, if one person has seen your ad three times it is counted as three times. This is different from reach, as reach only counts the total number of people who have seen your ad if one person has seen your ad three times it is only counted as one time.
- Ad’s take time to work, you need to wait until your ad has reached 2000 impressions before you make any changes to your ad. The time your ad takes to reach 2000 impressions will depend on your budget, so the time itself does not matter.
- After you have reached 2000 impressions you can start to make decisions about whether or not your ad needs changing, but if you have less than 2000 impressions any results you get will not amount to much in terms of decision making.
2. Click-Through Rate (CTR of 1% or Higher)
- What is CTR? Click-through rate is the number of impressions your ad has had divided by the clicks your ad has had (and multiplied by 100 if we want to get mathematical). This number indicates how many people are responding to the ad and whether they felt compelled to click on it.
- 1% sounds super low but on Facebook, this is average, and good for what you are doing because it shows that people are responding to your ad.
- If you have a CTR less than 1% then you need to keep an eye on this because it may mean that people are not necessarily responding and something may not be right.
- What is going wrong if I have a low CTR? If you’re CTR is less than 1% you may need to look at the following:
- The image on the ad – It may not befitting for the audience, or it is not eye-catching and people are not drawn to it. Re-evaluate the image and look into how to create feed stopping images.
- The copy – The writing that accompanies the image may not be as convincing as you think it is. Ask yourself whether this is what your audience would want to see. Does the copy match the image? It is important that the copy fits with the image.
- The audience – The audience may not be right for the ad and you may have to consider whether you need to specify your audience further. Your ad could be wrong for the audience and thus may need to either reshape the audience or reshape the ad.
3. Cost Per Click (CPC) at $3.00 or below
- What is CPC? This refers to the actual price you pay for each click. It is found by how much you spend divided by how many clicks you have. For a successful campaign, the CPC should be no more than $3.00.
- If it is more than $3.00 there could be a disconnect with your audience and the ad or the sign-up page.
- So what if you are getting great results but no leads? This may mean that people on Facebook are responding to the ad, they are clicking through but when they get to the lead form people were not filling it out.
- Why aren’t they filling out the lead form but clicking through on the ad? This could be because there is a disconnect from the ad to the destination. You should reframe your landing page so that people are enticed to sign up or give their details this what turns leads into conversions!
- Facebook is an expensive place to get leads, so you must be prepared to spend money to get the results you want!
- How much will a lead cost on Facebook Ads in the fitness industry?
- If you are running a gym and want memberships you will be looking at leads between $5-$15
- If you are doing small group training sessions it could be between $15-$30
- If you are a personal trainer or running 1-1 training sessions it could be between $30-$70
So now you know these numbers, you need to be strategic with them and be comfortable with the fact that you need to spend some money to get leads. This is because Facebook has become a really crowded marketplace and so many people are putting ads up trying to fight for people’s attention. You need to make sure that your ads are the ones that stick with your desired target market.
Next time you look at the results of your Facebook Ads make sure you wait till you have 2000 impressions to start to read the results and improve on anything, see if your CTR is at 1% or higher if it doesn’t then changes need to be made. Finally, look at your CPC, if it is higher than $3.00 then you need to determine whether there is a disconnect between your ad and your conversions. With these tips, you are on the road to clarity and success when you run your next Facebook Ad – Good luck!