Fast track your Fitness & wellness Studio

Welcome to COM Marketing, we’re Richard & Joey Toutounji, and along with our team we have one simple mission to transform everyday fitness business owners into marketing ninjas who have the confidence and the skills to market & grow their studio or PT business without expensive marketing agencies or having to take out a second mortgage on their house.

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Meet these Fitness Business Owners who are Growing with COM

Fitness & wellness studios that grew by becoming a marketing ninja..

Gyms that ditched their marketing agency and grew the memberships..

Personal Trainers that added more revenue and dropped the PT hours

COM also work with Allied Health, Beauty and Swim Schools

Marketing Blueprint for Fitness Studio’s Hit $10k Weekly Revenue without Discounting Your Prices

Inside This FREE Training I’ll Show You:

So What is a Marketing Ninja?

Are you overwhelmed with your marketing? Have you been trying to do it yourself but you don’t know where to start? Used an agency but it was too expensive and they didn’t deliver the leads you need. Do you have people sliding into your DM’s on the daily guranteeing they can get you leads? All of that is about to be a thing of the past. We’ve worked with thousands of fitness business owners who have had these exact problems. Leads are too expensive, agencies charge to much, they have no idea where to start, they tried Facebook once and got shut down or rejected – or worse yet – they spent thousands of dollars on how knows what – definitely not leads that’s for sure.

Fast Track Your Studio's Marketing Results

Find out how our fitness marketing system can add 30 new clients to your studio in the next 90 days!

Fitness & Wellness Brands We have Worked with

We’ve worked with hundreds of Fitness Health and Wellness Brands Businesses

ditch your marketing agency & Grow your Fitness & wellness Business

Find out how our fitness marketing system can add 30 new clients to your studio in the next 90 days!