Tips to improve website conversion

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A website that doesn’t convert can be frustrating and an area everyone seems to be an expert in. However, a concise and measurable conversion strategy can have significant results in leads, quality and overall sales. By improving the conversion statistics of your website, you’re in a much better position to measure ACTUAL results and derive some return on the initial costs associated with your website.

I’m going to provide you with 3 simple tips that will improve your websites conversion rate!

1. Precise call to action, reduce options

In most cases, too many options can leave prospects indecisive and overloaded with information. Most client ARE indecisive, so narrowing down what you want to provide will increase the quality of each lead. It’s also important to ensure that your call to action is proposed to the correct target audience. For example: you’re an accountant, but if your an audit specialist, your call to action aimed at people being audited will derive higher results and improved quality. Remember, volume of leads is important, but quality and conversion is what derives return. By eliminating multiple options, it allows you to filter the lead going through your website into YOUR funnel.


2. Engage user experience, website usability

Maximising your users experience allows your business to engage with your customers on a more personal level. Developing this relationship is a key factor to increasing your conversions based on emotional value. One way of doing this is to improve the functionality of the site, so that prospects are able to easily navigate your site at their discretion. For example, if a prospects wants to call and cannot find contact details, they are more likely to drop off and go elsewhere.Ease of navigation and engagement will directly increase the average time spent on your website meaning your content in the eyes of Google is also more relevant/credible, rewarding you with better search engine results. By keeping prospects on your website longer, open to great content and high engagement, conversion rates, sales and enquires will also follow the trend in time. So simplify the end users experience, reduce clutter and draw a clear path to your call to action.


3. Proof is in the pudding

Reviews and testimonials online are powerful tools that highly skew a prospects decision process. Although you may have a super product, it takes one negative review or lack of positive affirmation to make a prospect steer clear. Proof is an important component of a persons decision process, it is often the first question or final question during a sales meeting. ‘Show me some of your work’, ‘have you got referrals?’ – questions every business owner has heard before. Put the proof online, with real and tangible results. A client thats happy with your product and service will generally be willing to provide a quality testimonial.


The combination of these 3 tips will working simultaneously to assist the prospects decision process and assist your business with improving conversion statistics on your website. Although there are many other factors that play part in conversion, these are simple and standard tips that are used by anyone that knows how to improve conversion.