Welcome to the first episode of the Marketing Muscle Up Podcast, bought to you by COM Marketing. Today we’ll introduce you to our 2 hosts and one mostly regular guest and give you a bit of an overview about what to expect from us.
Your host on the podcast will be Richard Toutounji, CEO of COM Marketing and Evielyn Chapman, Head of Digital Brand at COM Marketing. And we’ll be joined by our mostly regular guest Nolan Fisher, the CEO & Co-Founder of Booty Transformation.
We’re on the ground everyday marketing fitness businesses and running fitness businesses and will be having real conversations about what is happening around marketing your health, wellness and fitness business.
Come behind the scenes with us as we talk about what’s working right now (and what’s not) and our focus will be on actionable strategies that you can take away and use in your business right now.
Key Points From This Episode
2:45 – Intro to Richard’s story
5:35 – What made Richard start a Fitness Studio at 17
8:47 – How he grew and sold his studio
11:17 – How he created the largest wellness company from his bedroom
15:10 – How to be true to your uniqueness
16:33 – Intro to Ev. Head of Digital Brand at COM
19:00 – What does working at a Church have to do with marketing?
23:35 – Why Proximity is important for businesses
27:01 – Intro to Nolan our mostly regular guest
29:34 – Overcoming the Shiny Object Syndrome
31:25 – Capitalising on the studio/crossfit craze.
COM Marketing
Richard Toutounji
Evielyn Chapman
Nolan Fisher