How to market your business advantage #31

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Quick Wins with COM Episode 31

Tune into to this weeks episode where Richard talks all about marketing your advantage.
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Video Transcription

Hey. Welcome back to Quick Wins with Com. I’m Richard Toutounji and today we’re just about to board a plane and I just thought I’d do a quick episode here. We just rented a car and it made me think about, down here we have Avis, Budget. Over there we’ve got Hertz coming up. It kind of made me think like, we’ve got the same product and service we’re selling. They’re selling cars. They’re selling cars to people who want cars.

There’s six different brands and they’re all similar priced. How do you make sure that your brand stands out in a marketplace. If you’re in a congested space, of the same product and service, what makes your brand stand out? Here obviously you can see there’s different colours. We can see there’s red for Avis. We can see that Budget’s blue. We can see that your car is green. The question remains is that, if you’ve got a product and service in the same market, selling the same product and service, how do you differentiate? Is it better customer service? Is it a relationship building? Is it making sure that you can get in contact with your clients easier to make an easier experience for your client to actually get the service they want.

You see, you can be in a congested marketplace, but to your avatar, to your clients, you have to be seen as the only person to go and get their car from. You’ve got your clients for a reason. They’re with you for a reason. You need to identify what that reason is. Then you need to market that reason. If it’s good customer service, you’re going to market the hell out of that customer service or what you do to all clients. Is it because you’re price driven? Make sure you market that advantage to other clients coming into the door. If your advantage is that it’s easy to get into your car under two minutes or less or your products under two minutes less, make sure that it’s simple and everybody knows that if they come to your service, your product, your brand, that it’s going to be so easy to get the service in a fast response time.

Remember, when you’re in a congested marketplace, it’s never congested. It’s only congested if you see that all the colours and all the brands are the same. You do have a difference in the marketplace, you just got to find out what that difference is. The best way to find out what the difference is if you don’t know what the difference is, all you have to do is ask your clients what you’ve already done to keep them as a client for this time. They’re going to give you clues. They’re going to give you key words. They’re going to give you those little nuggets why they’re going with your service for so long. Then you just want to make sure you grab it and then you put that into marketing terms. When people identify the brand, the colour, they also know the experience they’re going to get. They’re going to know what the solution that you’re providing. You see, these are all service offerings here. As soon as you can offer your clients a solution, you’re always going to win the game.

Thanks for tuning in to Quick Wins With Com. I’m Richard Toutounji. Remember comment below. Share this with your friends. Tag your business friends in. I’d love to know your thoughts on the topic of how you make your business different in the marketplace, in a congested marketplace. Thanks so much.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Melemash

    Very precise and sensible advice Richard. We as business owners need to ask our clients – WHY they use our service and stay as clients? Thanks Richard.

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