We’re excited to announce the launch of our partnership with Fitness Australia as their Exclusive Digital Marketing Partners. And looking forward to providing value to Fitness Australia members through our marketing services and in particular the COM Digital Marketing Check.
Bill Moore, CEO of Fitness Australia and Richard Toutounji the CEO of COM are eager to provide more and more value to Fitness Australia members.
“We’re really proud to be partnering with COM to bring this type of value to our members,” said Fitness Australia CEO, Bill Moore.
Technology has evolved and developed in the last three years to the extent that it has meant a significant change to the way in which we do business. This partnership is a reflection of that change and we believe that it provides exciting opportunities for fitness businesses to win in the digital marketplace.
One of the main benefits to members of Fitness Australia will be the complimentary Digital Marketing Check provided to all new members from January 1, 2017 and will take the form of a 45 minute consultation with a COM online strategist.
The Digital Marketing Check will be delivered either over the phone or face to face, the session will among other things:
- Walk Members through a review of their online presence
- Help to create a sales and marketing funnel for their business
- Look at the best platforms for their business
The process will result in participants walking away knowing how to best acquire new leads for their business.
“If you’re in the health & fitness business, you’re in the digital marketing business.” Bill Moore, CEO Fitness Australia
Fitness Australia is the peak industry association providing a range of support services and solutions to over 30,000 Registered Personal Trainers, Registered Fitness Instructors, fitness businesses and suppliers Australia-Wide.
If you’re in the Health & Fitness space and want to take advantage of this offer as well as the extra benefits a Fitness Australia registration can bring, register as a member of Fitness Australia today.