Building A Wellness Business From Scratch to Becoming A Marketing Ninja with Lawrence Mitchell, Founder of Raw Energy | A COM Ninja Case

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Imagine arriving in a new country, knowing no one and starting from scratch. Naturally, your first instinct would not be to start a business, but this was Lawrence’s big idea. Originally from England, Lawrence set his sights on Australia and had the big idea to start a business here, that aimed to promote the RAW philosophy: resilience, authenticity, and wellness. RAW helps businesses through consultancy and coaching and tailoring wellbeing programs specific to your business. 

Lawrence found COM’s Ninja Program at the right time, he was starting from scratch and wanted to grow his business to become successful. The program felt right for his because it aligned with his RAW philosophy. The program provided him a community that he related to and could be supported by.

The program gave him the confidence he needed to put himself out there and to think much bigger than he was thinking at the time. It was this encouragement that allowed him to develop his business into what it is today. 

Lawrence commended the notion of forming a community on a philosophy of encouragement, in that you build relationships within the program and you are educated about online marketing and how to grow your business. This means you know what needs to be done, and COM holds you accountable so that you follow through with the strategies you develop on the program. 

Lawrence used the ninja program to build up his business and develop new marketing strategies as well as gain clarity, confidence and the support he needed to run his business successfully. 

We’re so proud of the work that Lawrence has done during the Ninja Program and are excited to see what great things are lined up in the future for him. 

To find out more about the COM Ninja Program and how you can grow your business in a significant way click here.