How To Create Content For Your Fitness Business (& Save Money) – Quick Wins With COM Ep 71

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Video seems to be one of those things you either love or hate. Some people LOVE to be in front of the camera, most people hate it. But this alarming statistic remains – as of 2019, 80% of internet consumption is video content. Which means if you’re not in the video content game, you’re falling behind.


When you create video content that entertains and brings awareness to your brand (aka not selling) you start to build an audience of fans – people who LOVE your content and LOVE your brand. You are purely entertaining people and adding value through content. The great thing here is you don’t have to sell (which most people hate), and these types of videos are the ones that people comment on, share and tag their friends in.

All of this increases the audience for your videos and ultimately your brand. These people become raving fans who in turn… give you the opportunity to sell to them.


The key to great video content is creating it with a purpose. Lots of Personal Trainers create Instagram stories – but are they always on purpose? Are you thinking about your audience, what your audience wants to see and what value you can provide.

If you’re going to be running Facebook Ads, rather than run ads to a cold audience – take the time to create awareness videos that can warm your audience up and see your brand BEFORE you try to sell them something.


The key to really great awareness content is to provide true value to your clients. What brings the most value to your clients. Is it a workout of the week? Is it a case study from one of your current clients? Or a client story or interview? Maybe it’s a tip about nutrition or how to stay on track with your goals over the holidays?

The best awareness content is content that can provide value, teach something and hopefully entertain at the same time.

Content can be the ultimate converter for your fitness business. How can you incorporate video content into your fitness marketing.